Andrew Nease Video - Denver Wedding Videographer

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Tiffany & Donovan - Crested Butte Wedding

Both of us have spent nearly our whole lives in Colorado. Andy grew up in Frisco, while Lauren grew up ten minutes away in Breckenridge. Both of our families traveled quite a bit, road tripping all over Colorado. We’ve each seen nearly ever corner of this beautiful and diverse state. That being said, neither of us had been to Crested Butte in many years (over a decade at least). So when we arrived there for Tiffany and Donovan’s wedding, it was almost like experiencing it all again for the first time, and we were absolutely BLOWN. AWAY. Colorado, as a whole, is so beautiful — but this was something special. It was spring, and the wildflowers were like nothing we’ve ever experienced in Colorado before. The open mountain sides were literally yellow and purple from miles away, just from the sheer quantity of flowers. The mountain ridges and open meadows are truly a site that takes your breath away. It definitely was giving me (Lauren) “The Sound of Music” vibes.

And it was on top of a mountain in the midst of all this that Tiffany and Donovan shared their intimate wedding celebration surrounded by their loved ones. We were enamored with this whole day and with these two and their wonderful family — beautiful inside and out. Congratulations Tiffany & Donovan! Thank you for inviting us into this special place to share the day with you. We wish you and your adorable family all the best!